Sunday, September 14, 2008

Anne Bradstreet Biography

Anne Bradstreet is a writer who was born in 17th century England. She married at the young age of 16. Her husband was 25 and the son of a minister. She came to America in 1630, but was unprepared for the long trip. Her and her family had a difficult travel and their hard times continued when they arrived in America. Anne struggled with her health for most of her life. Even with her health struggles, she raised eight children and kept a positive out look on life. Anne and her family went through struggles including a fire that burnt their house, but Anne and her husband were able to keep their family together. She began writing and became friends with other women who spoke out in that time (Anne Hutchinson). She originally did not want to publish her works, however her brother-in-law decided to take that choice from her. He sold a book of her writings in England. While the book did well, most of her work was published after her death. She died at the age of 60 after years of struggling with health problems.